our Services

Forms and eSignature Maturity Assessment

Understand where you are today and plan the steps in getting you to where you need to be.

Where to start?

Understanding your current status

Our Maturity Assessments are designed to help organizations evaluate their current form and document processes. Through on-site or remote analysis, our team will sit with your project stakeholders and technical resources to fully understand the requirements of your business. In addition to understanding the current state of forms, this assessment provides an accurate cost savings analysis with suggestions for future enhancements.

This is happening - your industry is changing

For many organizations, forms applications are vital. The ability to capture data from customers, employees, and constituents, and then effectively act on that data, is important. The rise in eSign adoption continues to highlight the importance of solid data capture and workflow. The Forms and eSign Maturity Assessment provides you with a state of the union, a place to start, and a path to move forward.

From here we begin to change

Once your Forms and eSign maturity status has been identified, your organization can make educated decisions on where to go and how to get there. Confidently understand the value of a digital form and document solution, and how to use digital transformation as a profitable business strategy.


AFTIA's Forms Maturity Assessment provides customers with documentation on:

Where you sit in the five stages of forms maturity;

What the current cost is for delivering the way you are today;

What your short and long-term goals are;

What a phased approach would look like;

What the ROI would be as you move through the phases of digital transformation. 

Learn to Optimize
your Workflow Process
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