AFTIA Integration Series: Adobe Sign and Microsoft Teams


Live Sign with Adobe Sign & Microsoft Teams

Adobe Sign, Microsoft's preferred eSignature solution partner allows users to sign documents within Microsoft Teams calls. This creates an experience similar to that of signing a document in person. In this video, AFTIA's Yashar Avram, Patricia De Nardi and Arash Tabrizi showcase this feature of the Adobe Sign integration. Using the the Microsoft Teams chat window the three can share documents that need to be sign and receive prompts in the chat to share their screen while signing. These elements combine to create a simple and transparent signing ceremony.

Interested in integrating Adobe Sign with Microsoft Teams? We can help, contact us here.


In this video, the AFTIA team showcases live signing in Microsoft teams.

Reach out to us if you have any questions, would like to see a demo, or prefer speaking to an expert.
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