Take control of your forms and document content library with InFormer

InFormer is a governance tool that allows the optimization and rationalization of your content


Fragment Matcher

Fragment Matcher helps to compare a set of files against an existing content library to identify opportunities for fragment reusability as part of the content authoring process.

Fragment Rationalizer

Fragment Rationalizer allows you to compare all of the fragments loaded into the library with each other to identify any duplicate or near duplicate fragments that could be consolidated.

Content Governance

Changes to forms and documents can occur because of new regulatory requirements, product/program changes, or branding changes. Content Crawl allows you to search content across your entire library to quickly find instances where a change is required.
Acrobat Sign Dashboard


Find all our Solutions associated with this product.

Citizen Service Governance

Streamline and take control of your citizen service offerings while enhancing user experiences.
Information Technology

AEM Forms Content Governance

Transform your document and form management with InFormer and unlock the power of AEM Forms to maximize efficiency, and increase productivity now!